Monday, November 10, 2008

Pirate vs. Ninja... postponed

Well, we never did go trick-or-treating this year. It was a combination of laziness and missing the allocated hours.

Back in my day we went out in the pitch blackness and ran around town, heedless of cars or crazy people. Out in the country we also ran the risk of hungry bears, but that didn't stop my parents from dressing me up as a beehive and soaking me in honey every year. Heck, sometimes they didn't even wait for October, that's how much they loved Halloween.

Anyway, we dodged a bullet with the whole candy issue this time around. My boss just grabs handfuls from his kids' bags when they're not looking, confident that they won't notice, but that wouldn't work with The Boy. He's got a photographic memory when it comes to treats, and at any time knows exactly where every snack is in the house. Hopefully this talent will eventually cross over to more useful knowledge, like names and dates and Weird Al song lyrics, but until then we just have to do a better job at hiding the Oreos.

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